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Current Construction Methods – Wet Area Waterproofing Substrates

Current construction methods associated with wet areas with concrete and/or fibre-cement sheet flooring is generally consistent with the below.  Waterproofing, including Type 5 Perimeter Flashings, are installed after the below is completed (in addition to concealed and exposed services such as plumbing/electrical, etc):

  • Walls frames are constructed with manufactured timber frames, freighted to the building site, erected and securely fastened into position.  Alternatively, pressed galvanised or pre-coated steel framing is used in a similar manner but in much lower volumes in residential construction.  Commercial construction generally uses this method in much larger volumes.
  • Walls within a shower area are sheeted with fibre-cement products OR wet area plasterboard products (providing the wet area plasterboard meets the requirements to comply with the NCC 2019).
  • Bath faces, bath tops and adjacent wall areas are also sheeted in fibre-cement products or wet area plasterboard.
  • Remaining wall linings are generally completed with the same products, as it is common place to continue the wall sheeting used within the shower rather than incorporate a different type of product with varying thicknesses.
  • Walls outside of a shower area (and excluding the bath area) can technically be completed with regular Gypsum plasterboard sheeting.
  • In accordance with AS/NZS2589-2017 – Gypsum linings – application and finishing, wall sheets must terminate a minimum of 6mm-10mm above the substrate floor level.
  • In accordance with manufacturer specifications, wall linings not bound by the scope of AS/NZS2589 generally are to terminate 6mm above the substrate floor level.
  • Stepped down recessed shower floors (recess within the concrete at the shower location only) or full room stepped down wet areas often will not have complying wall sheeting installations due to framing limitations and adequate fixing options of the wall sheet product edges.


For any other advice of a technical nature, including system specifications, Wet-seal’s highly experienced technical team will be happy to take your call.  Wet-seal’s Technical Team can be contacted on 1800 025 081 or via email at technical@wet-seal.com.au

Alternatively, please speak with your local Franchisee directly.  Details of how to contact your local Franchisee can be found at Find A Franchisee

Current Construction Methods Wet Area Waterproofing Substrates